"Transform Your Dating Life by Next Weekend" - The Dating Playbook
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Are you a Jesus-loving single, eager to learn how to date well in today's online world & beyond, have fun, and get results?! Well, here you go! This comprehensive dating guide packaged as a simple-to-follow-playbook is filled with practical advice, specific examples, and action steps so you can truly Transform Your Dating Life by Next Weekend!
His & Hers style options available!
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Christian Dating Coach and Certified EMDR Therapist, Brittni Kelchner, walks you through the exact details of where to start & where to go on your dating journey in today's online world and beyond! Keep reading for allllll the info:
Learn how to:
Who is a good fit for this resource?
My coaching approach:
About Britt:
Hey!! I'm Britt. Believer. Wife, mom, EMDR therapist, Life-long learner, AND ALL things DATING enthusiast!! Haha. I just LOVE helping people with all the tips, wisdom, and guidance I learned in MY own dating journey. I successfully navigaged the wild world of online dating just a few years back; I was getting to know myself, awesome guys, AND I eventually met my husband on the dating app - Bumble! We've been married just over two years and we have a precious 16 month old! Spoiler alert from my playbook above...I was on SEVEN DATING APPS when I met my husband!! I was doing the thing and doing it intentionally because I wanted to invest in what I valued! I valued working hard in the dating process so I could eventually meet my person.
So when I say I've been there and done that with the online dating thing, trust me, I did and saw it all! Lol. It was a fun, difficult journey that required me to overcome MANY fears AND lean into perseverance to endure well and keep on going when disappointing moments happened. Because they did. That's literally a part of the process. It's hard, just like any other process we walk out in life - getting healthy mentally, emotionally, or physically; learning a new skill; starting a new job, etc. However, with great community, God's help, and doing my own work, I was able to have fun while dating AND I just so happened to meet my husband!! All the hard work was worth it. I dive WAY deeper into how to do the hard work in my self-paced course above. I hope you'll go purchase it and get started today! It's everything I learned over a decade plus and I'm literally almost giving it away!
I want YOU to experience joy, confidence, and fun on YOUR dating journey. Let me walk you through the process...are you ready?! Let's go!!
ANDDDDD, if you're not single and in the dating process BUT MAYBE you lead a small group of singles, you're a pastor, mentor, or lead your young adults group at church, I'd HIGHLY recommend you purchase this course as it will help YOU know how to navigate the online dating conversation in TODAY'S world! Just because something is NEW & DIFFERENT doesn't mean it's bad or even that it has to be scary. Fear begets fear. I'm hear to kick fear to the curb and empower you and any single person you know to date well starting today!
Online dating is simply a strategic tool that can be used well and with boundaries. It's a means to help singles practice the skills of communication and get connected to like-minded individuals. I unpack ALLLLL you need to know in the dating playbook! So, if you have influence with singles or maybe your best friend needs a jump start in their dating life, get this for them and send it as a surprise!! Give it as a gift! No one has a bad day when they receive a GIFT! :)
Sometimes on the dating journey, we just need a little boost of encouragement coupled
with a roadmap to get us going and inspire some hope! This playbook WILL do all of that!
I'm cheering for you! You CAN do this!!!
- Britt
Learn how to:
- date intentionally with confidence, clarity, and excellent communication
- attract and date high value individuals
- connect with like-minded individuals
- date well in the apps/online
- deal with rejection with security and confidence
- think logically and practically through the dating process
- become the BEST you so that you're ready to attract who you desire
- protect your heart, time, and emotional energy in the process
Who is a good fit for this resource?
- Motivated, eager to learn, guys & gals
- Anyone feeling stuck, insecure or just plain terrified in the dating process, you're in the right place AND THIS IS FOR YOU!
- You're in need of a dating reboot or transformation
- The beginner to the dating scene who wants a step by step guide
- Guys & gals ready to invest in the dating process!
- Jesus loving singles, ready to mingle!
My coaching approach:
- Honest & Direct
- Personable & Curious
- Solution-focused & Goal-oriented
About Britt:
Hey!! I'm Britt. Believer. Wife, mom, EMDR therapist, Life-long learner, AND ALL things DATING enthusiast!! Haha. I just LOVE helping people with all the tips, wisdom, and guidance I learned in MY own dating journey. I successfully navigaged the wild world of online dating just a few years back; I was getting to know myself, awesome guys, AND I eventually met my husband on the dating app - Bumble! We've been married just over two years and we have a precious 16 month old! Spoiler alert from my playbook above...I was on SEVEN DATING APPS when I met my husband!! I was doing the thing and doing it intentionally because I wanted to invest in what I valued! I valued working hard in the dating process so I could eventually meet my person.
So when I say I've been there and done that with the online dating thing, trust me, I did and saw it all! Lol. It was a fun, difficult journey that required me to overcome MANY fears AND lean into perseverance to endure well and keep on going when disappointing moments happened. Because they did. That's literally a part of the process. It's hard, just like any other process we walk out in life - getting healthy mentally, emotionally, or physically; learning a new skill; starting a new job, etc. However, with great community, God's help, and doing my own work, I was able to have fun while dating AND I just so happened to meet my husband!! All the hard work was worth it. I dive WAY deeper into how to do the hard work in my self-paced course above. I hope you'll go purchase it and get started today! It's everything I learned over a decade plus and I'm literally almost giving it away!
I want YOU to experience joy, confidence, and fun on YOUR dating journey. Let me walk you through the process...are you ready?! Let's go!!
ANDDDDD, if you're not single and in the dating process BUT MAYBE you lead a small group of singles, you're a pastor, mentor, or lead your young adults group at church, I'd HIGHLY recommend you purchase this course as it will help YOU know how to navigate the online dating conversation in TODAY'S world! Just because something is NEW & DIFFERENT doesn't mean it's bad or even that it has to be scary. Fear begets fear. I'm hear to kick fear to the curb and empower you and any single person you know to date well starting today!
Online dating is simply a strategic tool that can be used well and with boundaries. It's a means to help singles practice the skills of communication and get connected to like-minded individuals. I unpack ALLLLL you need to know in the dating playbook! So, if you have influence with singles or maybe your best friend needs a jump start in their dating life, get this for them and send it as a surprise!! Give it as a gift! No one has a bad day when they receive a GIFT! :)
Sometimes on the dating journey, we just need a little boost of encouragement coupled
with a roadmap to get us going and inspire some hope! This playbook WILL do all of that!
I'm cheering for you! You CAN do this!!!
- Britt
"It was a privilege to read the Dating Playbook. From the parent of teens and one young adult, I am so encouraged to have such a great resource to point my kids to. Written in a very conversational tone, like sitting across from a friend who genuinely cares about your future, you will hear the author's heart for dating purposefully. The beginning, points to the importance of dating from a place of emotional wellness and the confidence in who God made you to be. The playbook not only provides practical information on wise dating and communication, but the author shares parts of her personal journey dating online, coupled with invaluable advice in this area. The Playbook provides space for journaling and reflection throughout, as well as, many resources to support your dating journey. Whether you have just started dating, are feeling discouraged in a lengthy dating season, or reentering the dating world, there is wisdom and encouragement here for you."
- Kara H.- married momma to four
"From someone who six years ago who had never been asked on a date and was doubtful that I ever would be, to now going on first dates regularly, having Britt as my dating coach has been life changing, for not only my dating life, but my confidence in myself as well. Major things that I have learned along the way include: 1) How to take the pressure off of dating & enjoy getting to know new people, 2) How to find worth in myself to date from a place of confidence instead of desperation and fear."
- Ashley, 29 y/o - Florida
"Brittni has been a huge support, beacon of knowledge, and my biggest cheerleader on this dating journey. She's helped me break through limiting beliefs and helped me grasp that dating isn't "forcing it" or not being "surrendered to God's will". It's putting feet to my faith just like anything else. She's always there to guide me back to trusting my gut and listening to the Holy Spirit in moments of being unsure. It's so helpful to be able to get her healthy perspective and she always has the most sound advice that keeps me moving forward in confidence."
- Bella, 31 y/o - Florida